Ebony Deshae

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6 Ways to Get Out of a Funk as a New Mom

Are you a new mom struggling to get out of the funk? Do you often find yourself in the trenches of motherhood? I've been there, navigating the newness of motherhood while desperately trying to regain my sense of self. 

Becoming a new mom is an amazing journey, but let’s be honest - it can also be hard and overwhelming at times. I found myself in a funk a lot because I was in the house with an infant for the majority of the day. Those moments you find yourself in that funk are natural. Nothing is wrong with you, but what we’re not going to do is continually sit in that funk. It is important to have strategies in place to uplift your spirits.

In this blog post, I am sharing 6 things to help you get out of a funk as a new mom, toddler mom, or seasoned mom.

How To Get Out of a Funk

Talk to God

During those tough moments of motherhood, remember that you are not alone. God is always with you, let him in to guide you through brand new territory. Taking a moment to talk to God, meditate, and simply reflect on what He has blessed you with can bring you peace. Although, there were lots of days motherhood consumed me and I did not spend time with God the days I gave to him, gave me comfort and strength to endure everything motherhood comes with. Do you need guidance with how to Talk To God? Check out this blog post, where I share 3 ways to activate peace daily.

Take Morning or Evening Walks

Fresh air and nature can work wonders for your mood. Make it a routine to take walks with your baby, either in the morning or evening. These outings provide a change of scenery, fresh air, and a chance to clear your mind. As you stroll with your little one, you will feel the stress of the day melting away. Nature just has a way to lift your spirits. This is also a good way to bond with your baby while pouring into your well-being and staying out of that fun.

Schedule Me Time

Every day, dedicate some time just for yourself. Whether it's dedicating time to read, exercise, take a long bubble bath, or engage in any other hobby you love. These pockets of "me time" are essential to getting out of the funk. You run around all day caring for your child, you deserve moments to yourself. I personally like to use my baby's nap time to rest instead of doing household chores. I save the household chores for independent playtime. This small change in my routine had me getting out of a funk sooner than I thought I would. Remember, nurturing your own well-being is not a luxury; it's a necessity.

Put on Clothes

Do you tend to stay in pajamas all day? I had a bad habit of this but I've discovered how transformative it can be to get up, establish a morning routine, and get dressed. Taking a few moments each day to put on clothes can make a significant difference. Feeling put-together, even when your surroundings are chaotic, can lift your mood and get you out of a funk. It serves as a gentle reminder that you are more than the challenges you face as a new mom, and it can motivate you to tackle the day with a positive attitude.

Treat yourself

When someone offers to help or you have childcare assistance for the day, take the opportunity to step out of the house. Go shopping, indulge in a pedicure, pamper yourself with a massage, or enjoy a peaceful lunch alone. Whatever, feels like self-care for you, do it. These moments of self-care are crucial and can help you get out of the funk. It's important to encourage yourself, fill your spirit, and pour into in your well-being. By taking care of yourself, you'll find that you have more to give to your loved ones and your baby.

Talk to Someone

You don’t have to navigate the challenges of motherhood alone. I had to be open with my partner and I felt like the walls were caving in on me. Especially in the early stages when dealing with postpartum challenges, navigating a new life, fulfilling the roles of a wife, friend, and more. It was not easy. Sometimes, our thoughts can take over and we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you are experiencing this, see it as your sign to practice vulnerability and talk to someone. Reach out to a friend, family member, or therapist to share your feelings. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Opening up and sharing your struggles can be so liberating and a reminder that you have support. You do not have to do everything on your own

Remember, it's entirely okay to have moments when you're not feeling your best as a new mom. The key is to have a toolbox of strategies that can help you pull yourself out of that funk. These six steps are just the beginning – customize them to your preferences and figure out what works best for you.

Embrace those moments of self-care, even if it is just for 30 minutes a day. I genuinely believe that implementing these practices will help you get out of that funk, and motivate you to get back to feeling like yourself. You got this!