Top 8 Newborn Must Haves

Are you a new mom looking for must-haves for your newborn baby? I’ve been a mom for almost 2 years now, and I can honestly say the things I’m about to share with y’all have saved my sanity as a new mom. Now keep in mind that every baby is different, and every mom is different. The products below worked for me, and I believe are worth giving a try if you face some of the struggles of motherhood that I have faced.

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Must-Have Items for Your Newborn Baby

Love to Dream Swaddle

We loved swaddling our newborn. It allowed her to feel close to us even when we put her down, but our baby girl is strong. She started breaking out of the swaddles, shortening nap time and sleep time. So if your baby likes to break free like ours, then Love to Dream swaddles are the way to go. These swaddles give the baby the freedom of the hands while making them feel like they are being held, plus there’s a zipper. We love zippers.

Kiinde Bottle System

We have gone through almost every bottle, and nothing beats the Kiinde Bottle System. The Kiinde Bottle System is an effortless process that allows you to store and feed your baby. The milk can go directly into the storage bag, be warmed, and then inserted into the bottle frame and nipple with no transition steps and fear of wasting milk. They have options for both breastfeeding and formula. We love the Kiinde system and plan on using it even when our daughter transitions to food. 

Zipper Sleepers

If you are an expecting mom, please save yourself the headache and remove all the button sleepers from your registry. If you want to take it up a notch, please tell your friends and family that you prefer zipper sleepers. No one wants to unbutton a million buttons in the middle of the night for a diaper change. Time is of the essence, and every second counts to get your newborn back down for their beauty sleep. 

Hatch Sound Machine

Having a sound machine gives you freedom around your own house. My daughter can sleep through a whole party because we never whispered around her since birth. She was accustomed to normal noise and conversation. When it comes time for sleep, we play her sound machine for naps and nighttime. Hatch is perfect because you can change the sounds and volume from your phone. They also have a smaller version you can bring with you while traveling.

Portable Changing Stations

Our main changing table is upstairs in our baby girl's nursery, which we do not use quite yet. The odds of us going upstairs to change diapers are slim to none. So we have portable changing stations in our bedroom and the living room. This station includes a portable changing mat, diapers, wipes, diaper creams, and hand sanitizer. Having everything you need, no matter where you are, saves you from panicking while the baby is possibly screaming.

Baby Carrier

I have a “lap baby”. My girl loves to be on someone’s chest, which sometimes hinders my productivity around the house. When I need to get stuff done, I will baby-wear her. It is the best thing ever, she can stay close, and I can stay sane. It also allows her the similar feeling of being swaddled, or even in the womb so that she can doze off for naps occasionally. My favorite carriers are the Boba Wrap and Baby Bjorn Carrier.


Having a lounger that the baby can lay in on your bed or the couch is a game-changer. My anxiety is always on 100, so the lounger eases some of my worries of rolling off a surface. I was able to lay my daughter down for naps while in the living room so that I could keep an eye on her and not always go back to her bassinet to make sure she was okay. This lounger allows me to keep her in my sight so I can continue my day. 


Mittens are the one thing I underestimated for our baby girl. Listen to me when I say baby nails get long, really fast. I had a freak accident clipping her nails, so now I make sure she has mittens on until I have backup from my husband to file her nails. Babies will scratch their precious little faces up without them.

In conclusion, being a new mom is an incredible journey filled with unique challenges and joys. These essential newborn items helped me easily and confidently navigate those early days of motherhood. Remember that every baby is different, so what works best for one may not work for another. Experiment with these products and find the best ones that suit you and your baby's needs. Motherhood is all about finding your rhythm and enjoying the beautiful moments along the way.

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